Every been given something by some one, a phone, camera, and/or computer... Now what if that item had a secret way that the person who gave you the devise could monitor your actions while you where using it... Well in some cases I might be a crazy bitch and wanna actually do that lol :p.... But in this case ehhh its a lil weird. School officials at Harriton High School in PA allowed students to take the school lab tops home. But what they didn't tell students was that when these lab tops were in their home the school was watching their every move using the lab tops camera... Clear violation of the 4th Amendment right? Well according to the schools district attorney the school is not yet willing to admit that this was a very clear violation. In a statement the attorney for the school said that "to the extent any mistake was made, we will make recommendations for any needed changes in polices and procedures...." But maybe the attorney should note that there was a clear mistake and also pass his message along to the schools superintendent who advised that the web cams were only used to locate a missing or stolen computer... I guess all computers that were properly checked out were considered missing after all they were not on school property... Yeah ok...
Sidenote: when will privacy every really mean what its supposed to mean in this country... Or will we forever have some type of Big Brother watching over us... Maybe I shouldn't have wrote this in my blackberry someone might just know what I just wrote.... Ugh over it!!
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