Friday, April 2, 2010

New Video's


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Grupie Tales....

So I know that the internet has been a buzz with a certain groupie who has been telling stories about the MANY celebs that she has Fucked... Now I dnt feel like going in detail of what she has done and with whom sooo Imma let this below video explain it...

And If you wanna see some of her Vids here they are... WARNING!! U might loose brain cells if you watch too long LOL

NYC Getting Ready for a War?

So I know that after 9/11 the city beefed up security all over the place just in case of another terrorist attack... But seriously.... The Subway is crowded enough without your machine gun toting cop...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Maybe Howard Stern Should Pick on Someone His Own Size

Howard Stern went on the airwaves and blasted Gabourey Sidibe, calling her an enormous fat girl...

Peep the audio below

Was it in good taste or....

Monday, March 8, 2010

Why Can't We all Get Toghter

You ever look Jewish (Hesetic) people and wonder to yourself why can’t black people be more like that, well I know I have on SOOOOO many occations. The thing is that you look at other races of people in this country and across the world for even and it’s obvious to anyone that one race that not together is African Americans. But in looking at it I have always thought that there has to be a reason for this.

The first of many reasons why African American are not together as a people is the issue that HELLO not everyone considers themselves African American. There is this weird notion in this country that just because your skin complexion is dark or a shade too brown than you must be black or guess Latino. However, being black is a term or an idea that was put on many “Africa American” by others who thought that because a group of people all look alike they must all be from the same. However within the so called “African America” race there are so many subcategories. Although, it’s believed that everyone of who is Black or should I says looks to be Black in this country are of African Decent, many including myself don’t find that to be true. You have many who are Haitian, Bajan, Jamaican, and Trinidadian who are more inclined to be in touch with their Caribbean roots than that of their so called African roots. I recently posed a question to my followers on Twitter and Facebook asking how many of them actually thought of themselves as people of African descent. And the fact is that it's pretty even many feel that no matter what they will always be connected to African. Others feel that there is a connection but not as much. My FAVORITE teacher Mr. Muhammad put it in words that rings sooo true; "I am an American of African descent. As much as I would like the hyphen to be unnecessary my external reality does not match my internal reality." The fact is that society tells us that we are of African decent even if its generations upon generations removed.

However this idea of Blacks not being together as a people might not have been something that happened only because we don’t all recognize ourselves as Africans. Looking back at the history of slavery African were always pinned against each other, mostly through a document call the Willie Lynch Letters. William Lynch was a plantation owner in the West Indies, who believed that he had developed a way to control slaves. His control over slaves didn’t just mean for just the year of 1712, but he believed that he would be able to control slaves for years to come. On the bank of the James River in what was than the Colony of Virginia in 1712 William Lynch delivered his famous speech to many plantation owners giving them instructions on how to control there slave. Below is an excerpt from his speech:

“I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves: and I take these differences and make them bigger. I use fear, distrust, and envy for control purposes. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences, and think about them. On top of my list is "Age", but it is there only because it starts with an "A": the second is "Color" or shade, there is intelligence, size, sex, size of plantations, status on plantation, attitude of owners, whether the slave live in the valley, on hill, East, West, North, South, have fine hair, coarse hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences. I shall give you an outline of action-but before that I shall assure you that distrust is stronger than trust and envy is stronger than adulation, respect, or admiration.”

Using this speech William Lynch made sure that African Americans were torn apart using ours difference to separate us for years to come. Now think about it for years people have always had trouble dealing with shades of African American, more so for woman than for men. Music video's that put emphasis on the beauty of lighter skin woman than that of dark skin beauty. Than there is the generational gap that exists... However, none of this is enough to say that this is the reason that Black are not together as people... But it is something to think about.

Take music videos for example; with William Lynch letter he made sure to advise plantation owners to put light skin slaves against dark skin slaves. By placing light skin slaves in the plantation house many darker skin slaves became jealous hence the term house slave.. The same could be said with music videos today. Instead the inferior notion comes into pay with our children. Children grow up thinking that because they are not featured in magazines and on their television as much as light skin people then they are not considered beautiful.

But among all these reason of why were are no together as a people the most prevalent one to me is the fact that most blacks DO NOT CARE or have this nothing affects me attitude. And maybe this comes from a generational gap were many from my generation only hear stories of slavery but have never really experienced it first hand. Or the fact that reality has taught blacks in this country that in order to survive one has to have a survival of the fittest attitude. So that any other person who is up against you is not your brother or sister but they are just another person trying to take a piece of the pie. Funny is that we see this mostly in schools. Ask any High School teacher and I bet they will tell you that they have at least one student of African American decent in there class who comes to class but doesn’t do anything. This student is the student that would see his/her life slip away but wouldn’t care or will think that the things that happen in his or her life never touch the physical therefore never affect them. Sad life to live if you ask me. But that is life that some choose to live.

I can’t say that in this many years that the relations that WE as Black people in this country will change. But it’s nice to know that we at least know what is hindering us to come together. And know that it’s not a river; it’s not an Ocean or anything physical. But it’s the thoughts that have been instilled in our mind that cause us to continue to have this invisible gap in between us. But it’s my belief that with time and teaching to our children we will one day be more like the Jews.

FYI I know that this might be alot for some to take in but shit all my blog can't be about celebrities smh... Just in case anyone wanna hate lol :P

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Health Care Debate LIVE!!!

2010 Fashion Week

So Fashion week is over and the tents are starting to go down.... I have put together some of the pieces that I particularly liked from the shows...

Designers from left to right:Tracy Reese, Irina Shabayeva, Irina Shabayeva, Herve Leger, Herve Leger, Farah+Angsana, Elie+Tahari, Elie Tahari, Duckie+Brown, Duckie Brown, Diane Von Furstenberg, Custo Barcelona, Christian Siriano, Carolina Herrera, Carlos Miele, Bagley Mischka, Academy Of Art Univer, Adam, Adam, and Academy Of Art Univer

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Somebodies Watching You....

Every been given something by some one, a phone, camera, and/or computer... Now what if that item had a secret way that the person who gave you the devise could monitor your actions while you where using it... Well in some cases I might be a crazy bitch and wanna actually do that lol :p.... But in this case ehhh its a lil weird. School officials at Harriton High School in PA allowed students to take the school lab tops home. But what they didn't tell students was that when these lab tops were in their home the school was watching their every move using the lab tops camera... Clear violation of the 4th Amendment right? Well according to the schools district attorney the school is not yet willing to admit that this was a very clear violation. In a statement the attorney for the school said that "to the extent any mistake was made, we will make recommendations for any needed changes in polices and procedures...." But maybe the attorney should note that there was a clear mistake and also pass his message along to the schools superintendent who advised that the web cams were only used to locate a missing or stolen computer... I guess all computers that were properly checked out were considered missing after all they were not on school property... Yeah ok...

Sidenote: when will privacy every really mean what its supposed to mean in this country... Or will we forever have some type of Big Brother watching over us... Maybe I shouldn't have wrote this in my blackberry someone might just know what I just wrote.... Ugh over it!!

New Driving Laws

Those where the days were turning 16 meant that you rushed to get your drivers license... Well with the number of teen fatalities due to car crashes by sometimes drunk other times untrained teenage drivers NY State along with many other states have decided to change the laws regarding getting that license at the age of sixteen.... Laws have also been changed in what an individual will be charge with if they were to get into an accident... Starting Monday February 22, 2010 teen who get their learners permit now have to wait six months before they can than take their road test to get their licence... Also changed is the number of non family members a teen is allowed to drive with... Before you could just get a friend who is of age to drive with you and all your friends to your destination... Now the state requires that if a parent or guardian is not present in the car only one person who is not the parent or guardian to drive with the teen while parent or guardian is not present.... Also into effect in 2009 actually is "Leandra's Law" which heightens penalties for those driving while influence with a teen under the age of sixteen in the car... For a person driving while intoxicated with a teen it will now be classed as a class E felony that carries up to four years in prison or a five thousand dollar fine. For any driver who cases death of a person under the age of sixteen that crime will now be classed as a class B violent felony. And lastly causing serious injury to anyone under the age of sixteen will get you charged with the crime of aggravated vehicular assault under class C violent felony....

Makes you not wanna drive with anyone under the age of sixteen right.... Yesssh!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Basic Bitch Natalie and Lil Duval

So if you guy keep up with Natalie from the Bad Girls Club Twitter, she went on a rampage about Lil Duval. Unfortunately he was in Jail so he couldn't respond. Well they met on a plane and below is the video....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Am I a Shopaholic?

Every seen the movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and wonder how anyone could get to a point where they ruin their life spend their last just to have something materialistic... Well for those who have never seen the movie a quick synopsis of the movie is that it is about a young female who is obsessed with shopping... But unfortunate for her she really doesn't have the funds to sustain the life style that she lives... Nor does she have the money to buy the things she buys... She ends up losing everything that she owes to overcome her addiction... Sounds familiar.... Well studies have suggested that approximately 17 million Americans can not control their urge to spend... I call it my I can't leave the store with nothing demon...

Now with me anyone who knows me knows that I can shop... And for the most part its all in fun... I get a sense of calm while shopping... Hence why I particularly love shopping alone... And I know for others shopping in the one time where you don't think...

But what if I told you that I was addicted to shopping would you treat it with the same care as someone who is addicted to drugs or alchol... Prolly not.. Why? Well our society tells us that its ok to shop...

Think about it when we were knee deep in the recession most officials were urging people to get out there and shop... Even going as far as giving us money to shop... Which makes compulsive shopping condoned by our materialistic society therefore making it widely misunderstood. When you think about celebrities today and hear that this person just went on a $30,000 shopping spree we don't condemn that person (well not all the time) we are more likely to envy. However, in history we have had many famous shopaholics. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Princess Diana had an addition to buying clothes. William Randolph Hearst shopping addition was to rare art and antiques.

Experts like Author and psychologist April Benson have seen the grave effects of individuals that shop too much. April, has seen cases where individuals have been fired from their jobs because they like to shop on the Internet all day instead of doing their work. She even saw cases where mothers would neglect their children to take care of their habit.

Donald Black, phychiatry professor at the University of Iowa, argues that "compulsive shopping isn't a true compulsion at all, but instead an impulse control disorder." He defines compulsion as,
"A behavior that is produced to counteract an upsetting thought"
And when you look and think of the definition of compulsive along side that of shopping there is no upsetting thought. Sure some might shop because of depression but in doing the act of shopping there is no upsetting nature included.

Men should think that when someone says that I am a shopaholic the face of the individual will be female. While it is true that the majority of shopaholics are female, males are also prone to have this disorder.

The difference is that while woman shop for more materialistic things such as; shoes, clothes, and jewelry. Men are more prone to collect things such as electronics, games, and Cd's.

Now, I am no where saying that everyone that likes to shop has this problem. However, we have to make sure that we know when it becomes a problem. So you see your friend go into a store and buy 5 skirts of the same kind in different colors when you know she don't really wear skirts like that... ummm that bitch got a problem

As for me I did this blog as a way to find out if I had a problem. I have diagnosed myself as a healthy shopaholic.....

Now off to H&M lol :P

Movie Reviews (Shutter Island)

So over the weekend I went with ma Boo to see Shutter Island starring Leonardo Dicaprio. And I must say that even thought the theater had a lot of action in it que the girl arguing with her boyfrined, the movie had even more. But when I think of movie that I want to spend 11.25 to see in the theaters I would have to say that it was not one of them. And I was VERY hype to see the movie. But like many others I could have waited for "His Girlfriend" aka the bootlegg lady to get this flick.
The movie itself takes you back to theoes days were movie plots were really good and even after the movie is over still leaves you wondering if that really was the case. Although, I would have rather been laying in my bed watching it I do give the movie four Radios (lol)...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shits and Giggles

The saying is true "Don't Judge a book by its cover" lol at 67 he still know how to throw a good one lol :P

Monday, February 15, 2010

Violence in America?

Although, many of us might not remember the face above his face is one of many who have been beaten in and around the world while other watch some in horror others cheering the fight on. Growing up attending NYC public school one thing that is always prvelent in Fights... And not just one on one fights but all out WWE wresting/boxing DANM near wars... I attended Washington Irving HS and at least once a week we were running down the street, hall ways, and to the other side of the lunch room to watch a fight. But as I got older and started to see video of the same type of acts that I used to do in HS I started to wonder why I used to do that. Most of the time there was one person who was getting their ass beat sometime by one of more people. There was also times were waepons were used such as bats, bricks, and even Beleach.
After watching the bleow video and also the video of the Chicago youngster who was beaten to death. I have to wonder what kinda of people we have become were we can stand anround and watch as young people are beaten up and in some cases enjoy it.

Friday, February 12, 2010

What a Sicko

I have heard of alot of weird shit that people do in my lifetime. But this has got everything beat by far. Chino Valley, Arizona is where a man came home to find his dog missing out his fenced-in yard. After a search of the neighborhood looking for his dog, to no avail. When he arrived back home, he found his neighbor , 38-year-old Gary Riley, raping the animal. It seems Riley wasn't ready to give up his newfound sexual treasure. He put up a struggle before the neighbor punched him in the face to ensure the dog's release. By the time police arrived, Riley was hiding under a bed.
He claimed he was just returning the dog to its rightful owner. But police found scratches and claw marks all over his body -- including his pelvic area, which presumably would have been covered in any decent I'm Just Returning Your Dog case.
A medical exam also indicated the dog had been raped. Riley is now being held for bestiality, assault and theft.

The Day Has Arrived Pt. 2

For the past few months Revelation Radio went on hiatus to do much needed updates to the site and all studio equipment. But this Monday February 15Th we are back again. For more information and to listen to the radio log on to

Below is the banners for the Dj's that you will hear on the site:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rihanna's New Video

I don't care what ANYONE say's this video is the ishhh... Love Love the Giddy Up Booty Pop lol :P

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lil Wayne Does Ustream to his Fans

Today Feb. 9 2010 Wayne Carter has to report to NYC court to be start his year at Rikers. Last night he started the below Ustream so that his fans could see him before he left....

His final message to his fans:

"To all my real fans, I really, really really really love you. I love you with all of me for real. I love you all so much, thank you from the bottom of my heart. And do not forget about me, because I will never forget about you. And i cannot wait for you to see me again. I’m out.”

Congrads to the Saint!!!!

So despite what everyone thought Sunday February 7th 2010 the New Orleans Saints beat the odds, that were stack up against the pretty high might I add, and won the Superbowl....

Who Dat....

Below is a video on Bourbon street celebrating the victory... I'm sure this is the PG version lol Ohh to be in da N.O. now lol :P

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What 's Wrong with This Picture

So this picture has been posted recently of Lil Kim, Lola Monroe, Lisa and Trina.... BUT I'm not sure that if these sites realize that we can clearly see that Lola like to have a landing stripe... lol

Peep the put close pic....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Danger Is CRAZY!!!!

So Danger showed up at a fund raiser for Haiti relief and lets just say that its clear that there are sooooo many loose strings in her head its not even funny...

Peep the videos below:

DJ Tazach in Haiti

Check Out the Report done on the USSR Comfort which our own Dj Tazach is abord. peep 1:37 you will actually see him in the video.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our Own Young Hollywood

Hot Young Hollywood… Or Vanity Fair’s portrait of what it is... A mess

So Vanity Fair's annual Young Hollywood issue is coming out soon. However any quick glance at the mags cover of who they believe is young and up in coming in Hollywood and you will clearly notice that something ain’t right. For one where are the men, and two umm so people of color aren’t hot in Hollywood right about now… I guess we gotta wait until next season lol.

But on a serious note 2009 was a big year for people of color. We have a Black president for god sake. Not saying that having a black president would some how change the way things are done.

So I decided since Vanity Fair left out A LOT of people I will do my own young black Hollywood issue (Imma Mess I know) lol: Jaden Smith, Freida Pinto,Gabourey Sidibe, Jessie Williams, Amber Rose, Trey Songz, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Keri Hilson, and Melanie Fiona

Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Videos

Akon and Keri Hilson join together to create 'Oh Africa' a song that gives back to the people of Africa. Produced by Rock City. The concept of the video is very artistic and very appeasing to the eye...

Finally!!!! Usher is back!!! U know I <3 French Boys lol :P

Miss America....!!!!

Since 2004 Miss America Ericka Dunlap there has not been a African America Miss America. That is Until this year. January 30th 2010 with Millions (Over Shot I know) watching her Caressa Cameron was crowned Miss America.

Below is her talent portion and her crowning moment....

Sorrry Gone So Long....

I know I haven't Blogged in a WHILE but I had a lot going on GOSH lol. Naw but a lot has happened! Revelation Sounds creator DJ Tazach has ventured to Haiti to volunteer with the Red Cross, expect that I will do a lengthy blog on what is REALLY going on in Haiti. I have also gone back to school, so yeah I don't be having time :P.....

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Organization Scam?

In the wake of the Hurricane in Haiti one of the first people to step out in aid to his country was Wyclef Jean. But many people, even myself situations like this always question whether or not the aid will actually go to the people who need it most. It seems as if the better business bureau wanted to know the same thing.

Below is what the Better Business Bureau had to say about the Organization:

Even as more than $2 million poured into The Wyclef Jean Foundation Inc. via text message after just two days, experts questioned how much of the money would help those in need.

"It's questionable. There's no way to get around that," said Art Taylor, president and chief executive of the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance, based in Arlington, Va.

Taylor reviewed Internal Revenue Service tax returns for the organization also known as Yele Haiti Foundation from 2005 through 2007. He said the first red flag of poor accounting practices was that three years of returns were filed on the same day — Aug. 10 of last year.

In 2007, the foundation's spending exceeded its revenues by $411,000. It brought in just $79,000 that year.

"Here's the bottom line: for an earthquake of catastrophic proportions, do people really believe that this organization is in a position to do anything right now?" he said.

Now for the sake of the people in Haiti I hope and pray that he will do the RIGHT thing and give all the funds to the people, his people of Haiti. BUT people please DO NOT let this be a reason to stop donating. Do let one bad egg spoil it for all. There are still a number of other ways to donate. Please see my post below on information on how to donate .