With the economy in shambles and the MTA always ready to increase rates for New York City Subway and Bus users it was only a matter of time that they would look into cutting the free metro card program to the thousands of New York City school children. In a story first released by the Daily News, the MTA who spends $70 million dollars a year on the program are once again looking for a place where they can possibly save more money. According to the Daily News, the savings plan would charge students half-price fares next year and by 2011 they will be required to pay the full fare.
About 550,000 school kids currently get free or discounted bus and subway passes under a program once fully funded. Now with what MTA is proposing that will now leave 555,000 students without a way to get to school. It will also now force the Department of Education to maybe come up with a plan to add more school buses to the already crowded school transportation system. With this plan imagine how many school children, especially those in high school, who will no longer go to school because they have no way to get there. I wonder if they thought of the fact that they charge $89 dollars for a monthly metro card and the average working person has a hard time paying for one. Now imagine a family with three children in schools that are not close to their home, how are those parents supposed to get their children to school.
I personally think that before the MTA makes such a drastic decision as this they need to waive all their options and realize that there are grave consequences that will most likely come with this decision. Sad to say that with the drop out rate currently at 13.5 the MTA can be the cause of the rate increasing by 2011 when the plan is supposed to go into effect. I will end off by saying that it might be the best time for us to get involved, write to you local representative, Mayor, and/or Governor and let them know that you don't want your children to have to suffer for the bad financial planing by others in this state. Below is contact information for the Mayor and Governor:
To Write To The Governor:
David A. Paterson
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
To Email follow the link: http://www.state.ny.us/governor/contact/index.html
To Contact the Mayor:
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC)
FAX (212) 312-0700
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