Born and Raised in Harlem, Russell Brown A.K.A. King Russ always had a passion for music. He began singing at the age of 8 and never stopped from there. At the age of 5 his mom passed away, which left him with only a father. He used the lost of his mother to help create some of the most amazing music he comes up with today. At the age of 12 King Russ not only began performing but also began writing his own songs.He noticed some of his songs were missing another piece of him,and from there he began rapping also. With a passion for Singing,Rapping,and Dancing and dreams to become the Worlds Next Greatest Entertainer, King Russ set to make a name for himself all over. So what better place to start than Harlem! At the age of 15 King Russ was not only making his own beats and writing his own lyrics, but he gathered his own Artist and began a team called Conceited Bastards.They started to hit flyer's and become a group well known to Harlem.
Around two years later due to lack of commitment from others, what was C.B. was no more. King Russ set out for a stronger more supportive group of individuals motivated and just as determined as himself.And along that Road he met Mark Roberts A.K.A. Knocka.Knocka introduced him to his team called Million Dollar Babies. From the jump Knocka and King Russ clicked and were like brothers. Not to long after this,Knocka noticed the skills and potential in King Russ,and not only decided to make him a Million Dollar Baby but decided to make him his artist!Which followed up with a Smashing Hit Single Called Bottle Of Patron,Produced and written by King Russ himself!Bottle Of Patron Was the Start of a new beginning and the opening of a lot of doors.From there on the music just kept gettin better and more entertaining.
Now King Russ just continues to work hard with his music and make non stop bangers!You can catch him moving around the streets of Harlem or on your big screen real soon.For contact info for features or shows his Aim is KingRuss09,and you can ask for his number! This Kid is gonna be a real star.And his Album is Coming Soon!!!!!
For More Information on King Russ visit: http://www.myspace.com/KingRuss4eva or hit him up on twitter @KingRuss09
Below is a video of him freestyling acapella:
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