Akon and Keri Hilson join together to create 'Oh Africa' a song that gives back to the people of Africa. Produced by Rock City. The concept of the video is very artistic and very appeasing to the eye...
Finally!!!! Usher is back!!! U know I <3 French Boys lol :P
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Miss America....!!!!
Sorrry Gone So Long....
I know I haven't Blogged in a WHILE but I had a lot going on GOSH lol. Naw but a lot has happened! Revelation Sounds creator DJ Tazach has ventured to Haiti to volunteer with the Red Cross, expect that I will do a lengthy blog on what is REALLY going on in Haiti. I have also gone back to school, so yeah I don't be having time :P.....
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Organization Scam?

In the wake of the Hurricane in Haiti one of the first people to step out in aid to his country was Wyclef Jean. But many people, even myself situations like this always question whether or not the aid will actually go to the people who need it most. It seems as if the better business bureau wanted to know the same thing.
Below is what the Better Business Bureau had to say about the Organization:
Even as more than $2 million poured into The Wyclef Jean Foundation Inc. via text message after just two days, experts questioned how much of the money would help those in need.
"It's questionable. There's no way to get around that," said Art Taylor, president and chief executive of the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance, based in Arlington, Va.
Taylor reviewed Internal Revenue Service tax returns for the organization also known as Yele Haiti Foundation from 2005 through 2007. He said the first red flag of poor accounting practices was that three years of returns were filed on the same day — Aug. 10 of last year.
In 2007, the foundation's spending exceeded its revenues by $411,000. It brought in just $79,000 that year.
"Here's the bottom line: for an earthquake of catastrophic proportions, do people really believe that this organization is in a position to do anything right now?" he said.
Now for the sake of the people in Haiti I hope and pray that he will do the RIGHT thing and give all the funds to the people, his people of Haiti. BUT people please DO NOT let this be a reason to stop donating. Do let one bad egg spoil it for all. There are still a number of other ways to donate. Please see my post below on information on how to donate .

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Street Buzzz Pt. 2

Born and Raised in Harlem, Russell Brown A.K.A. King Russ always had a passion for music. He began singing at the age of 8 and never stopped from there. At the age of 5 his mom passed away, which left him with only a father. He used the lost of his mother to help create some of the most amazing music he comes up with today. At the age of 12 King Russ not only began performing but also began writing his own songs.He noticed some of his songs were missing another piece of him,and from there he began rapping also. With a passion for Singing,Rapping,and Dancing and dreams to become the Worlds Next Greatest Entertainer, King Russ set to make a name for himself all over. So what better place to start than Harlem! At the age of 15 King Russ was not only making his own beats and writing his own lyrics, but he gathered his own Artist and began a team called Conceited Bastards.They started to hit flyer's and become a group well known to Harlem.
Around two years later due to lack of commitment from others, what was C.B. was no more. King Russ set out for a stronger more supportive group of individuals motivated and just as determined as himself.And along that Road he met Mark Roberts A.K.A. Knocka.Knocka introduced him to his team called Million Dollar Babies. From the jump Knocka and King Russ clicked and were like brothers. Not to long after this,Knocka noticed the skills and potential in King Russ,and not only decided to make him a Million Dollar Baby but decided to make him his artist!Which followed up with a Smashing Hit Single Called Bottle Of Patron,Produced and written by King Russ himself!Bottle Of Patron Was the Start of a new beginning and the opening of a lot of doors.From there on the music just kept gettin better and more entertaining.
Now King Russ just continues to work hard with his music and make non stop bangers!You can catch him moving around the streets of Harlem or on your big screen real soon.For contact info for features or shows his Aim is KingRuss09,and you can ask for his number! This Kid is gonna be a real star.And his Album is Coming Soon!!!!!
For More Information on King Russ visit: http://www.myspace.com/KingRuss4eva or hit him up on twitter @KingRuss09
Below is a video of him freestyling acapella:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Day Has Arrived
For the past month Revelation Radio went on hiatus to do much needed updates to the site and all studio equipment. But this Monday January 18Th we are back again. For more information and to listen to the radio log on to RevelationSoundStation.com.
Below is the banners for the Dj's that you will hear on the site:

Earthquake In Haiti
Being in any type of natural desaster is more then enough reason for any group of people to unite. It happened in the wake of 9/11, Katrina, and it sure is starting to happen after the major earthquake that sent shockwaves throughout the Haitian community here in NYC and across the world. The Red Cross estimates that more than three million people have been affected by the quake that reached up to 7 on the scale around 5pm yesterday. Many of the aftershocks that hit the small island where as strong as 5.9. But I didnt want to write this blog to give people the obvious of what they have seen and read on the news.
Below you can find information on where you can donate clothes, canned foods, and other goods to the people of Haiti also where you can call if you are in search of a loved one:
- Anyone looking to reach relatives can call the State Department at 888-407-4747
- NYC residents can also call 311 for help in locating loved ones
- Text "Yele" 2 501501 2 donate $5 2 YELE HAITI
- Text "HAITI" to "90999" and $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross
- Friday @ Coral Reef Chruch and 35th you can come between 6pm and 1am to donate items
- Saturday at Bildersee JRHS on 82nd & flatlands between 11pm and 4pm 2 donate items
- Or you can send items directly to the Haitian Embassy in NYC:
271 Madison Avenue,
5th Floor
New York, NY 10016
- To contact the US Embassy in Haiti
Call (509)3417-2399 or (509) 3464-3998 or 509-2 229-8000.
- To send to Yele Haiti Wyclef's organization:
Yele Haiti
P.O. Box 2345
New York, New York 10108
United States of America
Email : donation@yele.org
Phone : 212-352-0552
Below you can find information on where you can donate clothes, canned foods, and other goods to the people of Haiti also where you can call if you are in search of a loved one:
- Anyone looking to reach relatives can call the State Department at 888-407-4747
- NYC residents can also call 311 for help in locating loved ones
- Text "Yele" 2 501501 2 donate $5 2 YELE HAITI
- Text "HAITI" to "90999" and $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross
- Friday @ Coral Reef Chruch and 35th you can come between 6pm and 1am to donate items
- Saturday at Bildersee JRHS on 82nd & flatlands between 11pm and 4pm 2 donate items
- Or you can send items directly to the Haitian Embassy in NYC:
271 Madison Avenue,
5th Floor
New York, NY 10016
- To contact the US Embassy in Haiti
Call (509)3417-2399 or (509) 3464-3998 or 509-2 229-8000.
- To send to Yele Haiti Wyclef's organization:
Yele Haiti
P.O. Box 2345
New York, New York 10108
United States of America
Email : donation@yele.org
Phone : 212-352-0552
Monday, January 11, 2010
Race Riots In 2010?

Visit the most southern part of Italy today and you might feel like you are living back in the 1920's when African American had no rights in this country or anywhere for that matter. Some hundred Blacks have been evacuated from the southern Calabrian town of Rosarno in Italy following the worst Race Riots seen in the country since World War 2.The evacuation started after three days of rioting ignited by the attack on migrant workers in the town. At least 53 people have been injured following the rioting. To prevent further unrest police moved more than a thousand people of African decent from the area. Also those who are citizens of Italy but are of African decent have left the town after various threats and the fear that those attacking will not see the distinction between the migrant workers and those who are legal in the country.
Sadly, this is not the first hint of Racism in Italy. Just last month Abdul William Guibre, who was born in Burkina Faso, raised in Italy was beaten to death last month by the the owners of a local bar. According the the NY Times, the two attackers, Fausto and Daniele Cristofoli, suspected Mr. Guibre, 19, of stealing money and set upon him with a metal rod, the authorities said, it was later determined he had stolen a package of cookies. During the altercation, the attackers shouted “dirty black,” lawyers for both sides said.
Its sad that in 2010 we still have to hear of this type of treatment towards people of any race. I forgot who said it but "Can't we all just get along" ?
Lloyd Banks Legal Trouble....
Over the weekend Llyod Banks plus three others, Nicklas Sloane, Shawn McGee and Tyrell Cooper, were held by police in Kitchener after allegedly assaulting and robbing a promoter they had a dispute with in a hotel room on January 10th. According to MTV news the four are still in police custody and are due to appear in court early this week after being charged with forceful confinement, aggravated assault and robbery.
Below is a video of the promoter and fans he cancelled on:
Below is a video of the promoter and fans he cancelled on:
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Apparently He's Blacker than Obama....

For those of you who don't remember Illinois Ex. Governor Rod Blagojevich, he was the governor who tried to sell Obama's senate seat to the highest bidder and got Caught! lol... Well he is in the news again! This time he sat down with Esquire Magazine for an interview where he was quoted as saying,
"I'm blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived," Blagojevich said.
I didn't know that you had to shine shoes to be black. Guess I'm not black :-( lol
NYC has a new War: War on Salt?

This morning Restaurants around the City woke up to a new burden. Along with having to make sure that everything is heated and cook to the correct temperatures., the department of Health also is urging that the food industry start to crack down on the amount of salt that they use. According to the Daily News, the City Health Department is urging all restaurants to reduce their salt use by 25%. As of right now the plan is voluntary, but we all know that what starts off as voluntary often leads the city to make mandatory.
Normally I would say that the city needs to take a more Lasse Fare approach to handling people food intake, but I have to agree with them on this one. The amount if salt that some restaurants use daily is crazy especially when you think of the number of people, especially African Americans, that suffer from high blood pressure. Ever taste some fries from McDonald's and wonder if they really needed to put that much salt on the fries, I know I have. Although I dont think that the City should force resurants to change its a step in the right direction that the City is noticing that its important that salt intake is a problem.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Usher Is Back!!!
So we all knew that the Usher is that last album, that I can't remember the name cuz it was sooo yawn, was not the real Usher right? Well if you had any doubt that it wasnt hit you know now. Sexy Usher is back... Below is a clip of his new Video for
"Daddy's Home" Luv!!!! Can't Wait... Yall know I luv me some French Boys... :P
"Daddy's Home" Luv!!!! Can't Wait... Yall know I luv me some French Boys... :P
Random Videos Pt. 2
This video is hilarious I know there was some controversy surrounding the commercial its self, but I think it funny... :p
WTH was she high on... LMAOOOOOOO
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I think He forgot about that NYC skyline is missing something... smh
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Designer Expo: Anu Belle

As of now many of you who have a love for fashion might not be familiar with the name Anu Belle, but give this young talented designer a few years and I guarantee that you all will be begging to have something, anything designed by Anu Belle. I was first introduced to Anu in Miami where she was staying with some mutual friends. And unknown to her after I was looking for someone to make a dress for me for my 25th bday and her name was given to me as an option. However it wasn't until Nov 2009 that I actual was able to get a Anu Belle design. After that I was hooked and the very next month requested another dress.
Innovative, Electric, and bold are a few words used to describe Anu by Anu Belle. She developed a fascination and a love for the fashion world very early. Anu first discovered her love for fashion at a very young age. Anu creates between 2 to 4 collections every year and shows them in various fashion shows all over New York. She is currently interested in working in different aspects of fashion, starting with menswear and accessories. But u can also still expect her my usual women’s collection pieces. So look out world, theres so much more to come from Anu Belle. Stay Tuned...
She is in the works of getting her very own website but in the meantime you can get updates on piece's that she has done at www.callmerebel.blogspot.com
Also contact her on twitter @Anuthedesigner
Below are some of my personal favorites that she has made...

And Of Course my Very Own....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Behind the Scenes of Trey Songs video "Yo Side of the Bed"
Here a lil video of behind the scenes of Trey's new video, Chemistry bet him and Kerri is crazy....
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Tila Tequila Fiance Mysterious Death

Yesterday I posted a blog about Tila being pregnant with her brother's baby and never did I see a turn of events like this. Last night around 8pm reports came in that Tila's Fiance, who is also an Heir to the Johnson & Johnson family fortune, had died. But soon after Tila posted that she was in fact in a Coma. However hours later Doctors and Tila reported that efforts to save the Johnson & Johnson heir had failed. Its suspected that she died from some kind of drug overdose, but the cause of death is still pending.

Chris Henry's Spouse Finally Speaks
When news first broke of how Chris Henry died many first thought that his fiance had to be crazy. For those of you who don't know Chris Henry was a young football player who passed after he fell from a moving truck that his fiance was driving. All this after a heated argument between that two had erupted. In the below video she finally comes out to explain what happened on the night in question.
Monday, January 4, 2010
In OMG News
Now I have heard of some sick people who do sick and disgusting things, but why on earth would you think that its ok to sex a corspe... Ewww
Guy Has Sex With Dead Corpse - Watch more Funny Videos
This next video I can't even describe you. But you danm Jamaican I swear (Sorry Keish lol). If your at work NOT NOT OPEN!!! EXTREME NUDITY SMH!!
Guy Has Sex With Dead Corpse - Watch more Funny Videos
This next video I can't even describe you. But you danm Jamaican I swear (Sorry Keish lol). If your at work NOT NOT OPEN!!! EXTREME NUDITY SMH!!
Why does this kid have sooooooo many guns... I lost count somewhere around 15 smh!
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New Years Sad Story
I remember sitting in my parents living room and a friend of mine asking if we can shoot my dad's Gun on New Years Eve and his exact words to us was "What goes up must come down." So seeing this story of this very young boy that was shot while sitting in a church by a stray bullet reminded me of that. Marquel Peters was just four years old when he was hit with a stray bullet that entered the church that he had been attending with family on New Years Eve. SMH Such a sad way for any family to start the new year!
Why I Don't Like FOX News
One look at the below video and I became sick to my stomach.... Why would anyone think that its ok to racial profile anyone more less why would you think that its ok to strip search everyone that looks like they could be a terrorist i.e. every muslim according to this guy. SMH!!!!
Gossip Roll
In the world of celebrity gossip of course ALOT of ish happened over the holiday weekend.
First up is Tila Tequila is having a Baby! Not what you think though. Apparently her brothers wife is not able to carry a child so she will carry the child for the couple. Now I wonder what she will look like preggers and will she be able to calm down her wild tencencies during the pregnacy... Well we shall see!!!

Up next is Teddy Reily now I was trying my best not to post a blog about this incident but the video below just... Well yall watch and see... Is he serious?
Lastly Mr. Slim Thug.... SMH! Why would you ever think that its a good idea to twitpic a pic of what looks like u sexing in the bathroom... Than turn around and say you are trying to settledown. I really dont get it! And I wonder how she feels about the pic... *sideye!

First up is Tila Tequila is having a Baby! Not what you think though. Apparently her brothers wife is not able to carry a child so she will carry the child for the couple. Now I wonder what she will look like preggers and will she be able to calm down her wild tencencies during the pregnacy... Well we shall see!!!

Up next is Teddy Reily now I was trying my best not to post a blog about this incident but the video below just... Well yall watch and see... Is he serious?
Lastly Mr. Slim Thug.... SMH! Why would you ever think that its a good idea to twitpic a pic of what looks like u sexing in the bathroom... Than turn around and say you are trying to settledown. I really dont get it! And I wonder how she feels about the pic... *sideye!

Friday, January 1, 2010
Student Metrocard Going Going Gone

With the economy in shambles and the MTA always ready to increase rates for New York City Subway and Bus users it was only a matter of time that they would look into cutting the free metro card program to the thousands of New York City school children. In a story first released by the Daily News, the MTA who spends $70 million dollars a year on the program are once again looking for a place where they can possibly save more money. According to the Daily News, the savings plan would charge students half-price fares next year and by 2011 they will be required to pay the full fare.
About 550,000 school kids currently get free or discounted bus and subway passes under a program once fully funded. Now with what MTA is proposing that will now leave 555,000 students without a way to get to school. It will also now force the Department of Education to maybe come up with a plan to add more school buses to the already crowded school transportation system. With this plan imagine how many school children, especially those in high school, who will no longer go to school because they have no way to get there. I wonder if they thought of the fact that they charge $89 dollars for a monthly metro card and the average working person has a hard time paying for one. Now imagine a family with three children in schools that are not close to their home, how are those parents supposed to get their children to school.
I personally think that before the MTA makes such a drastic decision as this they need to waive all their options and realize that there are grave consequences that will most likely come with this decision. Sad to say that with the drop out rate currently at 13.5 the MTA can be the cause of the rate increasing by 2011 when the plan is supposed to go into effect. I will end off by saying that it might be the best time for us to get involved, write to you local representative, Mayor, and/or Governor and let them know that you don't want your children to have to suffer for the bad financial planing by others in this state. Below is contact information for the Mayor and Governor:
To Write To The Governor:
David A. Paterson
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
To Email follow the link: http://www.state.ny.us/governor/contact/index.html
To Contact the Mayor:
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC)
FAX (212) 312-0700
Happy New Year
It's a new year yall!!! It's funny that 10 years ago when we were in 1999 we were not sure if the world would make it into the new millennium and here we are now 10 years in and still going. I wont bore you with a long dragged out blog just want to with all of you a very prosperous new year... Below is a video of new years across the world nice to see how other countries bring in the new year....
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