Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Black Films in America

Below is a Spike Lee interview where he discusses the reality of Black films in America:

In my household growing up watching black films was a form of supporting our race in culture. However looking back at it now that I am much older I have come to realize that it's not that much support if you are in turn perpetuating a cycle of thought about African Americans. Movies like "Miracle at St. Anna" and "Malcolm X" had history behind them they told the story of the truth of the African American struggle. Specifically, "Miracle at St. Anna" provided light to the fact that African American fought and risk their lives in the wars for this country. You have other movies like "Diary of a mad Black Woman" that are in their purest form comedies and bring in high rating and recognition for African American writers, Directors, and Producers. Yet they also shred down the the Africa America image. An image that countless Civil Rights protest have struggled to obtain.

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