We often hear about what rappers do negative wise, but hadley hear about what they do to better the community and peoples lives. One such rapper is Piles he is often critized from his higly sexually explict lyric in songs such as "Becky" and "Bust it Baby." However Plies also gives back to the community in ways that I have not seem many rappers do. He even invited a 11 year old girl up on the stage at one of his concets and paid her 1,000 to leave his concert. Meaning that he knows that his lyrics are no where near suitaible for children's ears.
At his lastest concert his chariable efforts went way above and beyond what I have ever seen any rapper do. He invited another young lady up on the stage who was a serior in high school. He surprised her and the crowd with the announcement that he will be paying for her College tuition. WOW... Peep the two videos below....